Confusing Words 1 – Stay, Spend, Pass; Make, Cause


Confusing Words‘ are words which Spanish speakers may sometimes use incorrectly. This is especially true with the words ‘spend’ and ‘pass’. Read the definitions below and practice the correct use by writing a sentence in the comments.

STAY: To continue doing something, or to continue being in a particular state

He’s decided not to stay in medicine.

The banks stay open until 5 o’clock.

SPEND: To use time doing something or being somewhere.

My mum always spends ages in the bathroom.

PASS: If you pass time, you do something to stop yourself being bored during that period.

The commuters pass the time on the train reading and listening to music.

MAKE: (+noun/adjective) to cause to be, to become, to appear as:

It’s the good weather and food that makes Italy such a popular tourist destination.

Don’t stand over me all the time – it makes me nervous.

CAUSE: To make something happen, especially something bad.

The difficult driving conditions caused several accidents.

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