Despite the freezing cold weather, Claire still likes living in Ecija


However / Although / Despite

These are all linking words used to contrast ideas and have their own grammatical rules.

The following sentences have contrasting ideas so it sounds more natural if we include either however, although or despite. However, if we do this, the grammar of the sentence may change.

Some people find the idea of cloning a whole person repulsive. They don´t mind the cloning of human organs for transplant operations. 


Some people find the idea of cloning a whole person repulsive. However, they don´t mind the cloning of human organs for transplant operations.

However starts a new sentence and is followed by a comma. It refers to the sentence before.


Although some people find the idea of cloning a whole person repulsive, they don´t mind the cloning of human organs for transplant operations.

Although is used to put two contrasting ideas in one sentence. It introduces a clause and is followed by a subject and a verb. When the although clause comes first, it is followed by a comma.

Despite / In spite of

Despite finding the idea of cloning a whole person repulsive, some people don´t mind the cloning of human organs for transplant operations.

The linkers in spite of and despite are followed by a gerund (-ing form) or by a noun. 

 When used at the beginning of a sentence, a comma is also used to separate the two parts of the sentence.

We can use in spite of and despite with a subject and verb if we include the expression ‘the fact that’.

In spite of the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam.
Despite the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam.
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